110 Media Group is Changing Name to Web2 Corp.

ORLANDO, Fla., July 11, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- 110 Media Group (OTCBB:ONTN) recently announced that it is changing the name of the company to Web2 Corp. The company says the name change signals a new direction that is focused on using the power of Web2.0 technology to simplify products. Advances in technology may be used in two ways: the first is to add new features and functions to products; the second is to harness the new power to make products easier to use and less expensive to deploy. "While we are clever in combining the best features of the best products into our solutions, we see a vast array of products that can benefit from this second power," said William Mobley, Chairman, 110 Media Group. "By simplifying them, we open up large markets of consumers that did not previously have the technical expertise to engage the product, or we lower the cost of using the product to embrace a new range of users previously priced out of the market. Either way, we use the new advances to make the technology almost disappear. That is the power of what we call Web2.1."

According to Mobley, Web2.0 established a new mentality for the Internet that was enabled by open source technologies, broadband connectivity and a philosophy of sharing. "Look at the trends from MySpace to Flickr to YouTube, they are all cool new adaptations that change the way people use the Internet for their leisure purposes. In many ways they are simply novel diversions. When you ask what job it is that they perform, you find very little beyond entertainment or social connectivity. The technology adaptations are interesting, but the value is suspect and the quality of the benefits is very shallow. We are seeing signs of fatigue now...not unlike new toys at Christmas. We see Web2.1 as the application of these same technologies for higher-order uses. We ask, how can the same features be adapted to deliver more compelling solutions to practical problems?" Web2 Corp has identified several very large market opportunities for the use of Web2.0 technologies that deliver Web2.1 benefits.

Mobley claims that we have been in Web2.1 for some time. "We are now on the cusp of Web2.2 which blurs the concept of the Internet with wireless 'anywhere access'. Some people have been saying that this is Web3.0, but that is absolutely wrong. Web3.0 has not yet been imagined. We have many more versions of incremental improvement of Web2.0 before we reach that realm." When asked about what form Web3.0 might take Mobley suggests that integration of biotech and the Internet are likely where technology embedded in the human body will become a viable product, "but clearly there are some moral and philosophical issues to contend with before that is a reality."

Web2 Corp.'s first products will roll out this month. The company states that they will make the process and practice of e-Business simpler, easier and more accessible than it has ever been. Other products that mash-up functionalities of stand-alone web applications to make everyday life dramatically more productive will then follow in rapid succession. "Take the best functions of the best products out there, combine them, simplify, simplify, simplify and offer them at a great price that delivers a good margin. That is our Web2 Corp. formula."


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