The Growth of Cambridge Healthtech Institute's PepTalk Continues

NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwire - August 1, 2007) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute is proud to announce PepTalk 2008 -- The Definitive Protein Focused Event, which will be held January 7-11, 2008 in San Diego, California. Building on its past success, PepTalk 2008 has grown into a week-long event. The premier protein event will continue to deliver strong scientific programming on the functional biopharmaceutical pipeline from upstream early stage discovery to downstream manufacturing, in-depth short courses and invaluable networking opportunities.

Over 50 exhibitors will demonstrate the latest product and services, poster presenters will share their latest research and discoveries and focused technology workshops will provide opportunity to delve deeper into topics covered in the scientific programming.

Upstream Discovery January 7-9

We are pleased to expand the Eleventh Annual Protein Expression meeting to present the most up-to-date research in protein-expression science by providing valuable insights into new methods and technologies for achieving ideal functional protein expression.

The Eighth Annual Mining the Plasma Proteome meeting is enhanced to address the technical challenges, strategies, inherent phases and processes for prognositc and diagnostic biosignature discovery, development, and validation.

Meeting the demands of developing, designing, and delivering biotherapeutics is the basis for the Fourth Annual Peptide and Protein-Based Therapeutics.

Downstream Development January 10-11

Protein manufactures face challenges in formulation, development, delivery, optimization, regulatory compliance, validation, and scale-up. New conferences entitled Process Management, Lyophilization and Protein Production showcase successful trends and technologies to support downstream biopharmaceutical development.

Whether your interest lies in early discovery or downstream in development, PepTalk 2008 is designed to deliver the latest developments and successful strategies throughout the functional biopharmaceutical pipeline.

For additional programming information, please visit

About Cambridge Healthtech Institute:

Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) is the industry leader offering the preeminent source of information to the leading researchers and business experts from top pharmaceutical, biotech and academic organizations. Delivering an assortment of resources such as events, reports, publications and e-newsletters, CHI portfolio of products includes Cambridge Healthtech Institute Events, Pharmaceutical Strategy Series, Insight Pharma Reports, Marketing Services, Bio-IT World Magazine and Cambridge Healthtech Institute Media Group, which delivers numerous research area specific e-newsletters.

Contact Information: For more information: Nicole Lewis Cambridge Healthtech Institute (781) 972-5417