KUBRA Releases a White Paper on Navigating the Mobile E-billing Market Space

MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 17, 2011) - KUBRA, a customer interaction management solution provider, announced the release of a detailed White Paper on the Mobile E-billing environment. The study provides thorough review of 3 distinct mobile e-billing options, and how billers can leverage these exciting new channels to monetize existing e-billing assets and accelerate e-billing adoption rates.

"The Mobile E-billing market space is going to transform the fundamentals of the current e-billing landscape," said Rick Watkin, President and Chief Executive Officer at KUBRA. "The complexity of tying together all the various channels has increased exponentially, as has the need to source a common platform to unify systems and engage customers where they want to fulfill online commerce and self-service. We expect the new mobile e-billing channels to finally enable billers to achieve the level of paper-less billing rates they have been striving for and to expand usage of other complementary online tools."

Executive Overview of the Study:

  • Overview of the 3 distinct mobile e-billing channels or models
  • How to integrate mobile e-billing strategies with the existing channels
  • Implementation considerations and approaches
  • Long-term considerations and recommended best practices

To request a copy of this White Paper and an updated version of "The Next Generation Of E-Document Consolidator Networks" White Paper contact sales@kubra.com or access our Resource Zone at www.kubra.com. A 30 minute Webinar on the Mobile E-billing space is also available within the Resource Zone.


KUBRA provides customer interaction management solutions to some of the largest utility, insurance, financial services, health care, and communication companies across North America. Our portfolio of integrated multi-channel outsource solutions include document print and mailing, e-billing and self-service, document management, and payment solutions. With over 500 clients and 1 billion customer interactions annually, KUBRA enables innovative performance-driven value to its clients every day.

Contact Information:

Rick Huff
SVP Sales, Marketing & Client Relations
1-800-766-6616 ext 233