89th Anniversary of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's Birthday

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 21, 2012) - Today the World celebrates the 89th anniversary of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's birthday, the most eminent and profound World Spiritual leader and the Spiritual Guru of the Century.

A descendant of India's royal Shalivahana dynasty, Shri Mataji was born to a Christian family at Chhindwara, Maharashtra, near the geographic center of India on March 21, 1923.

As a child, Shri Mataji lived for a time, along with her parents, in the ashram of Mahatma Gandhi, who affectionately gave her the nickname, "Nepali". Even at a young age, her deep understanding was evident to Gandhi, who frequently sought her advice on spiritual matters.

On May 5, 1970, Shri Mataji was meditating on the many problems of humanity on a lonely beach in India, when a blissful divine experience filled her whole being and she knew that the moment had come for her unique spiritual gift, the ability to give en-mass self-realization, and to share with the whole of humanity.

For the next forty years, she continuously travelled the globe teaching meditation; was a loved and loving spiritual leader, acclaimed public speaker, gentle guide, philanthropist, twice Nobel peace prize nominee, recipient of UN Peace Medal and numerous awards and commendations worldwide.

Shri Mataji is the first spiritual teacher in history to give large scale Self Realization as described by many great saints and prophets of the past. Amazingly, without any financial support from any person, Shri Mataji neither charged for Her lectures nor for Her ability to give Self Realisation, nor does one have to become a member of this organisation. She insists that you cannot pay for your enlightenment.

Extending her care and compassion ever further, in India she established a holistic health and research centre in Mumbai, to treat people using Sahaja Yoga techniques, an international cancer research centre in Mumbai, a charity house for destitute women and children in Delhi and an international Music Academy in Vaitarna to promote classical music and arts.

Regardless of race, religion, age or status, millions of ordinary people have now learnt how to tap into their inner spiritual power through Sahaja meditation, helping to find balance in their lives and at meditation centers in more than 100 countries around the world.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes are run worldwide completely free of cost, by their dedicated volunteers who are investing their valuable time continuously to help changing the lives of thousands of people, helping in managing, peoples' physical, mental, emotional stress, help overcoming their challenges and establishing the Peace within, through the simple techniques of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is entirely free of charge, as in Shri Mataji's words "one cannot pay for the experience of Divine Love."

Shri Mataji was described as 'an Avatar of the modern era' by Claes Nobel (grandnephew of the creator of Nobel Foundation). And in the hearts of her followers, she will remain evermore, the all compassionate Mother and her legacy will live on, with volunteers continuing to teach her techniques for free. In the spirit of her teaching, those who have been helped will then help others, like one candle lighting another.

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Arvind Ahuja
