Interim Report January - June 2012

second quarter 2012 compared with 2011
Net sales rose by 31 percent to SEK 877.2 million (670.9)
Operating profit increased by 9 percent to SEK 16.0 million (14.7)
Order intake was SEK 1,090 million (893), representing an increase of 22 percent
Earnings per share after tax were SEK 0.71 (0.65)
New framework agreements were signed during the period, including with the City
of Gothenburg, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, and PostNord in Sweden
and Denmark.

first half-year 2012 compared with 2011
Net sales rose by 36 percent to SEK 1,747.0 million (1,281.2)
Operating profit increased by 18 percent to SEK 30.0 million (25.4)
Demand for eWork's services was good. The sales mix contained a higher
proportion of outsourcing and takeover contracts, which explains the lower
operating margin.

CEO commentary
The first halfyear lived up to our expectations of continued growth with
profitability. Sales increased by 31 percent compared with the very strong first
half-year 2011. For the first time, net sales exceeded 3 billion kronor on a
rolling four-quarter basis. Demand was relatively stable, although a little more
irregular than previously. We have not noted any additional weakening further to
the moderate slowdown experienced in the second half-year 2011.
For more information please contact:
Claes Ruthberg, CEO
46-8-50 60 55 00, E-post: (

Ulf Henning, CFO
46-8-50 60 55 12, mobile: 46-70-555 35 54, E-post:
