1-Source Electronic Components Receives ISO Certification

HAUPPAUGE, NY--(Marketwire - Feb 7, 2012) - Electronic components distributor 1-Source Electronic Components announced that it has received ISO 9001:2008 certification. Although 1-Source's business practices have conformed to the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard for several years, certification is internationally recognized proof to potential clients and suppliers that the company conforms to the ISO standard for quality. It is a valuable business credential that opens up much opportunity for the company. As an ISO certified electronic components distributor, they can now offer much broader product lines to many large manufacturers that require ISO certification of their approved vendors. A copy of 1-Source's certificate can be viewed on their website at http://www.1sourcecomponents.com/quality/ISO-Certified.htm.

ISO 9001:2008 is the international standard for quality management, with an emphasis on customer satisfaction. Certification means that 1-Source has demonstrated a commitment to product and service quality as well as customer satisfaction. It also shows a commitment to continuously improving the company's operations and performance.

To obtain ISO certification, also known as ISO registration, a company must engage the services of an independent certification organization, which assesses the company's quality policies and performance. To qualify for certification, the company must have such things as a quality manual, documented procedures, and a quality plan with objectives and quantifiable targets. In order to maintain its certification, periodic audits are required to ensure that the company continues to comply with the standard. 1-Source was assessed and certified, and is registered through QMS Global of Boca Raton, FL. 1-Source's certification information will soon be available in QMS's searchable Directory of Certified Clients at http://www.qms.net/iso-9001.

The ISO is an international standard-setting body which sets worldwide proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards. It is composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. The ISO 9000 family of standards represents a consensus on good quality management practices. ISO 9001:2008 is the latest revision of the ISO 9001 standard which was adopted in the year 2008 with an emphasis on measuring customer satisfaction.

1-Source President, Richard Lodato, COO, Bruce MacArthur, and Mil/Aero Division Director, Debra Criveau, answered questions about the certification:

How does ISO Certification benefit 1-Source's customers?

Lodato: "It gives our customers peace-of-mind knowing that we uphold a high quality standard. They can be confident that their orders are handled well, that standards are upheld while processing their orders, that our quality standards are verified, and that they will receive quality products."

MacArthur: "We can now expand the list of products we offer our customers, and handle more scheduled orders, because whereas our dealings with some organizations were formerly limited to sole source contracts, now they can come to us for anything."

What does ISO Certification mean for 1-Source?

Criveau: "ISO Certification for 1-Source shows a solid commitment to conformance, quality, and continual improvement. It bolsters company morale, improves teamwork, and builds trust on an internal level between core departments."

MacArthur: "As a result of ISO certification, we can now have full AVL [Approved Vendor List] status, rather than provisional AVL status, with elite manufacturers, government contractors, government agencies, aviation, automotive, and large capital equipment manufacturers who require ISO certification for their approved vendors."

Is there anything else you would like to say about 1-Source's ISO certification?

Criveau: "1-Source's determination in reaching this goal has been challenging and rewarding. This is a true turning point in our company's history, and we are dedicated to continually uphold and improve our methods annually, to remain ISO certified."

Lodato: "We are constantly developing and growing in ways to better serve our customers and to be a resource to them. It's important to us to instill confidence, provide quality service and products, and make sure our customers get the kind of service they want."

About 1-Source Electronic Components

1-Source is an international distributor of board level electronic components, such as transistors, capacitors, resistors, and connectors. Founded in 2001, 1-Source has been operating continuously for over 10 years. It is now an international organization with its world headquarters in Hauppauge, New York, USA, where it employs about 30 people, including Quality Assurance staff who are responsible for ensuring that 1-Source's business practices conform to the ISO 9001 standard for quality management.

For more information about 1-Source Electronic Components, its ISO certification or quality management policies, or to speak to a customer services specialist, call 1-800-966-8826 (U.S.) or 1-631-642-2479 (International) or visit www.1sourcecomponents.com.

Contact Information:


Bruce MacArthur
631-642-2479 Ext. 205