TeraRecon Demonstrates 500,000-Slice Server at RSNA 2007

SAN MATEO, CA--(Marketwire - December 3, 2007) - TeraRecon (www.terarecon.com), a leader in innovative image processing technology and advanced 3D visualization solutions, today announced the successful operation of an advanced visualization server with rendering capacity for over 500,000 CT slices at the 93rd annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), McCormick Place, Chicago. This largest-ever AquariusNET server provided advanced visualization capability to over 50 workplaces in the TeraRecon exhibit, where the new Aquarius iNtuition Client software was demonstrated to a significant number of the ~30,000 professional attendees to the RSNA meeting.

TeraRecon president, Robert Taylor, Ph.D., said, "This server is a compelling demonstration of TeraRecon's lead in terms of power and performance when it comes to advanced visualization, which is ever-more relevant considering that this year at RSNA, the talk of the show was the new 320-slice and 256-slice scanners introduced by the modality manufacturers. With 0.25s rotation time, such a scanner can acquire well over 1,000 images per second, and it's not difficult to understand the challenges advanced visualization vendors are going to face in attempting to manage and manipulate all this data. However for TeraRecon, this is second nature. Our commitment to powerful rendering technology has always been a hallmark of TeraRecon and we welcome this renewed opportunity to demonstrate this differentiating aspect of our technology and solutions."

Dr. Taylor continued: "However, while it's an impressive technological feat to be able to deploy a server with such immense rendering capability, the real highlight of RSNA 2007 for TeraRecon was the newly-introduced Aquarius iNtuition Client, a new thin client advanced visualization tool with a feature set previously accessible only on a stand-alone 3D workstation. TeraRecon has successfully migrated these tens of advanced applications to the thin client model, achieving a true enterprise-wide solution for advanced visualization, years ahead of our competition's most optimistic schedule for the same."

About TeraRecon, Inc.

TeraRecon, Inc., a leader in advanced volumetric visualization and 3D image processing techniques, provides imaging systems for medical and other visualization applications based on its unique and patented image processing technologies. A three-time winner of Frost and Sullivan Awards, the company has developed a leading portfolio of products that advance the performance, quality, functionality, and integration of image processing and advanced visualization. Founded in 1997, TeraRecon has developed a unique family of powerful processors that are used in its advanced visualization and image processing solutions. TeraRecon is a fast-growing, privately held company with headquarters in San Mateo, CA, and branch offices in Concord, MA, Tokyo, Japan, Osaka, Japan, and Trondheim, Norway.

Contact Information: Contact: TeraRecon, Inc. Robert Taylor, Ph.D. President, Chief Operating Officer 650-372-1100