California Water Service Donating $174,000 to Local Charities to Brighten Upcoming Holidays for Disadvantaged

SAN JOSE, CA--(Marketwired - Nov 21, 2016) - As Californians prepare for Thanksgiving and the holidays, California Water Service (Cal Water), the largest subsidiary of California Water Service Group (NYSE: CWT), has partnered with charities in each of its service areas to kick off its annual Operation Gobble program and help feed thousands of families in need.

In November, Cal Water is donating a total of $174,000 to local charitable organizations in its 21 service areas through Operation Gobble. This program is part of the company's ongoing commitment to improving the quality of life in the communities it serves.

According to Cal Water President and CEO Martin A. Kropelnicki, Operation Gobble donations come from the company's shareholders as part of its philanthropic giving program, not from water rates.

"We are committed to being a part of our communities and improving the quality of life in the areas we serve all year long," Kropelnicki said. "But during the holidays, it's nice to be able to bring a little happiness to those who are struggling to make ends meet."

California Water Service serves about 2 million people through 480,300 service connections in California. The company, which has provided water service in the state since 1926, was ranked "Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Water Utilities in the West" in 2016 by J.D. Power in its inaugural Water Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study. Additional information may be obtained online at

1720 North First St., San Jose, CA 95112

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Yvonne Kingman