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Rounds Up the Best Vacation Spots for an Indiana Jones-Worthy Adventure

TORONTO, ON--(Marketwired - Jun 8, 2016) - Since he burst on the scene 35 years ago this month, Indiana Jones has been the personification of adventure and travel. As fans all know, there was no risk the gung-ho archeologist wouldn't take in his pursuit of the Ark. And, while modern day vacationers might want to pass on the snakes and the lava pits, many are looking for the right time and place to inject a little adventure into their own journeys. To point aspiring thrill seekers in the right direction, the travel experts at, the champions of simple travel search, have assembled a line-up of Indiana Jones-worthy experiences with their 9 epic destinations for once-in-a-lifetime adventures.

If you're ready to gear up for your own amazing story, we have just the spot to go, no matter what adventure you choose:

  • Shark cage diving: Gansbaai South Africa - If you've ever wanted to see a great white shark up close, your best bet is signing up for a cage diving experience that will bring you face to face with them right where they live. One of the best places in the world to do a shark cave dive is in South Africa, in particular, Gansbaai and the area around nearby Dyer Island. A large colony of cape fur seals (often more than 30,000 strong) inhabits Dyer Island, and they just happen to be the preferred food of great white sharks, making the area perfect for shark diving (not so perfect for the seals). And, since sharks hunt close to the surface, they're particularly easy to spot. You don't need any diving experience to cage dive, and each dive lasts around 30 minutes. Take one of White Shark Diving Company's shark cage dives at Dyer Island and, in the unlikely event you don't spot any sharks, your trip is free.

  • Bungee jumping: Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe - One of the biggest adrenaline rushes out there has to be bungee jumping. Leaping from extreme heights attached only to an elastic cord isn't for everyone, but there are a lot of people out there interested in taking the plunge. And, if you're going to do it, it might as well be epic. There's no jump spot more epic than from the Victoria Falls Bridge, on the Zimbabwe and Zambia border. Not only will you have the mighty Victoria Falls as your background, you'll be jumping over the roaring Zambezi River. Victoria Falls are known as the largest curtain of falling water in the world. The jump itself is 111 metres and will give you four seconds of free fall. Just remember to bring your passport because you'll need it to get onto the bridge. Shearwater offers solo bungee jumps over Victoria Falls for anyone who dares take the leap.

  • Volcano Boarding: Leon Nicaragua - You've heard of snowboarding and have maybe even done it a few times. But what about volcano boarding? As the name would suggest, this adventurous activity has you sliding down the side of a volcano, in this case, an active one (it hasn't erupted since 1999 and is heavily monitored). Cerro Negro, near Leon in Nicaragua, is a justifiably popular spot for volcano boarding. You'll start by hiking up the rocky side of the 726-metre-high volcano, which takes less than an hour -- and then the real fun begins. Once you're ready, you'll slide down the sandy side of the volcano on a board similar to a snowboard. The ride down takes less than three minutes and you can hit speeds of up to 80 kilometres per hour. Try it out for yourself with Bigfoot, a hostel that also runs volcano boarding trips.

  • White water river rafting: Colorado River, Arizona - There are many ways to be adventurous on the water, and one of the best has to be white water rafting. The Colorado River runs through the Grand Canyon, one of the most spectacular sights in North America, if not the entire world, making it an ideal spot to cross white water rafting off your bucket list. The trip will take you through various classes of rapids as well as to hidden waterfalls and areas of Grand Canyon National Park that can only be accessed by the river. The areas where you aren't battling rapids allow you to soak in the astounding views of the canyon. Western River Expeditions runs three, four, six and seven-day rafting trips so there's an option waiting for you no matter how much time you have.

  • Skydiving: Interlaken, Switzerland - There are many places in the world where you can jump out of an airplane, but some are more awe-inspiring than others. And, if you are going to do it, why not jump somewhere with an incredible vista to take in from on high? If it's unforgettable views you're looking for, you can end your search with the Alps. Interlaken, Switzerland, is situated between two sparkling blue lakes and is surrounded by mountains so you can't ask for better skydiving scenery. Your jump will likely net you 40 seconds (sometimes more) of free fall at a whopping 200 kilometres per hour. With Skydive Interlaken you'll be making your leap out of a helicopter, an exciting prospect in its own right. After a briefing on safety and information on what to expect, you'll get harnessed up, take a helicopter flight and then, after a final gear check, take a tandem jump for the adventure of a lifetime.

Our other picks for want-to-be adrenaline junkies are hopping on a 120 kph sky swing in New Zealand, trying heli-skiing in the British Columbia Rockies, getting schooled in kiteboarding in the Cayman Islands, or experiencing paragliding in the French Alps. For all the action-packed details, check out's 9 epic destinations for once-in-a-lifetime adventures at

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