ENVIRON's VOC BioTreat(TM) Garners AAEE E3 Competition Grand Prize

ARLINGTON, VA--(Marketwire - March 9, 2011) - Ewire -- ENVIRON International Corporation (ENVIRON) is proud to announce that the firm's patent-pending VOC BioTreat™ technology has garnered the coveted Grand Prize in the Research category of the prestigious American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE) 2011 Excellence in Environmental Engineering® (E3) Competition. An innovative and cost-effective volatile organic chemical (VOC) biodestruction technology protocol, the VOC BioTreat solution will help refineries, organic chemical plants and pharmaceutical manufacturers meet air quality requirements. ENVIRON's work in developing the protocols and resulting solutions was led by Dr. Carl E. Adams, Jr., ENVIRON's Global Practice Leader for Industrial Wastewater Management. Initial testing of this research was completed at Marathon Petroleum Company-Garyville Refinery in Garyville, Louisiana. Detailed information is available at the dedicated web site www.environvoc.com.

AAEE declares that the E3 award winners "testify to the genius of humankind and best exemplify the Excellence in Environmental Engineering® criteria." The Grand Prize garnered by VOC BioTreat testifies to ENVIRON's commitment to creative technical and scientific excellence and to client-focused service that advances the state of the industry. ENVIRON CEO Steve Washburn observes that, "Creating a solution for an air problem with a wastewater process is exactly the kind of thought leadership required in the world today to solve environmental challenges."

According to AAEE, the E3 Competition exists to identify and reward the best of today's environmental engineering. Its criteria define what it takes to be the best in environmental engineering practice: a holistic environmental perspective, innovation, proven performance and customer satisfaction, and contribution to an improved quality of life and economic efficiency. Begun in 1989, the Competition is organized around the normal phases of development and implementation of environmental management projects and programs: research, planning, design, and operations and management. Prize winners are selected by an independent panel of distinguished experts.

An international consultancy, ENVIRON works with clients to help resolve their most demanding environmental and human health issues. We combine resources across geographic boundaries and technical and scientific disciplines to provide clients with the best, most responsive team -- whether responding to existing challenges, evaluating opportunities to improve performance, or seeking to reduce future liabilities. Clients around the world benefit from our unique ability to bring clarity to issues at the intersection of science, business and policy.

Editor's Notes:
Interview opportunities are available with ENVIRON's Dr. Carl E. Adams, Jr.
Photos of the Marathon-Garyville facility, the BOX test and the full scale testing equipment are available.

Contact Information:


Jeanne Bezerra
609 243 9840