REPEAT-Media Advisory: Outraged Seniors, Retirees and Workers Expected to Pack Oshawa Townhall Over Harper's Pension Cuts

OSHAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 8, 2012) - Outraged by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's recent threat to cut Old Age Security (OAS) benefits, retirees, pensioners and workers are expected to pack an Oshawa Townhall meeting this Thursday to send a message to local politicians. Area Conservative MPs Jim Flaherty, Bev Oda and Colin Carrie have been invited to listen to the experiences and concerns of constituents who are calling on the government to support public pensions.

"Three Conservative MPs were elected in our region last year and not one campaigned on cuts to pensions. Not one has consulted with constituents. Not one has a mandate to cut OAS or jeopardize our retirement security," said Jim Freeman of the newly formed Oshawa Grey/Blue Alliance. "If they won't ask constituents for our opinions, then we are going to hold our own townhall meeting and make sure that our voices are heard."

The "reforms" that the Harper government has in store for pensioners are still unclear, but they could include pushing the OAS eligibility age from 65 up to 67 or reducing benefits payments. No matter what Harper is planning, his cuts would hurt the most vulnerable Canadians. The majority of seniors live on $25,000 a year or less. Meanwhile, Harper is spending billions to reduce corporate taxes while he continues to refuse minor increases to Canada Pension Plan contributions that would double CPP benefits for all seniors.

WHAT: Public Townhall Meeting on Old Age Security
WHEN: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, 2012
WHERE: Oshawa Legion Hall, 471 Simcoe St South
WHO: Seniors, retirees and workers

The Oshawa townhall is sponsored by the Grey/Blue Alliance, a coalition of seniors, retirees and workers. For more information, visit the Facebook event at:

Contact Information:

Oshawa Grey/Blue Alliance
Jim Freeman

Media Liaison:
Joel Duff
416-707-0349 (mobile) ENGLISH/FRENCH