Volunteers Needed for Canada Day in Canada's Capital Region

Calling all Canadians!

GATINEAU, QUÉBEC--(Marketwired - May 25, 2016) - Department of Canadian Heritage

Canadian Heritage is looking for motivated volunteers who would like to help with the celebrations on July 1 at the three official locations in Canada's Capital Region: Parliament Hill and Major's Hill Park in Ottawa and the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau.

Volunteers will be asked to welcome people with special needs, distribute flags, control the crowd, help visitors participate in different activities and provide information, among other things.

If you would like to volunteer, contact the Canadian Heritage Volunteer Centre at 819-956-2626 or PCH.centredesbenevoles-volunteercentre.PCH@canada.ca.

Quick Facts

  • More than 500 volunteers contribute to the success of the July 1 celebrations in Canada's Capital Region each year.
  • Canada Day attracts about 350,000 people in the capital, a third of whom are tourists.
  • Manulife has been the official sponsor of the Canada Day volunteer program for the last five years.


"Volunteers play a major role in making the Canada Day festivities run smoothly. It is in large part thanks to the dedication, commitment and good cheer of the volunteers that so many people can join the celebration. Join the team for Canada Day: it's a one-of-a-kind opportunity to give back to the community and create new bonds in a festive atmosphere."

- The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage

Associated Links

Volunteer for Canada Day

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Contact Information:

Pierre-Olivier Herbert
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage