Nokia Connectivity Pack tuo Bluetoothin Nokia 6210 -puhelimeen
December 05, 2000 06:02 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia esitteli tänään ensimmäisen Bluetooth-ratkaisunsa, joka mahdollistaa langattoman yhteyden matkapuhelimen ja tietokoneen välillä jopa kymmenen metrin säteellä. Nokia Connectivity Pack...
Tony Blairs rådgivar
Tony Blairs rådgivare till Sverige
December 05, 2000 06:00 ET | SEB
Carey Oppenheim, rådgivare till den brittiska premiärministern Tony Blair, kommer till Sverige den 7 december för att delta i ett seminarium som arrangeras av SEB Trygg Liv. Även Viveka...
SEB ökar sitt fondut
SEB ökar sitt fondutbud med 10 externa fonder. Under året kommer 30 externa fonder att säljas
December 05, 2000 06:00 ET | SEB
Fonderna är både konkurrerande och kompletterande i förhållande till SEB:s egna fonder. I första omgången finns fondsektorerna Asien tillväxt, Bioteknik, Globala småbolag, Japan småbolag, Megatrend...
Axis, Lexmark and Toshiba Demonstrate Wireless Printing Using Bluetooth(tm) Technology
December 05, 2000 05:26 ET | Axis AB
SWEDEN, Dec. 5, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Axis Communications, Inc. and Lexmark International, Inc. today demonstrated a wireless printing solution at the Bluetooth Developers' Conference (Toshiba Booth...
DS 'Valentin Shashin' - 2 års kontraktsforlengelse.
December 05, 2000 05:19 ET | DNO ASA
Petrolia Drilling ASA (PDR) har en 2 års borekontrakt for boreskipet DS ”Valentin Shashin” med det brasilianske oljeselskapet PETROBRAS for boring ned til 1200 meters vanndyp. Kontraktens varighet er...
StreetFusion to Feature Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Quarterly Earnings Conference Calls for JetForm Corporation, Toro Company
December 05, 2000 05:05 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2000, StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, will webcast quarterly earnings calls for JetForm Corporation and Toro...
StreetFusion Announces Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Investor Presentations for Aspect Medical Systems, Inc., Alberto-Culver Company and School Specialty, Inc.
December 05, 2000 05:03 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, is announcing today's live and on-demand broadcasts of investor presentations from The Financial...
StreetFusion Announces Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Investor Presentations for Vysis, Inc., Valassis Communications, Inc. and Ingersoll-Rand Company.
December 05, 2000 05:02 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- StreetFusion, the Internet's leading financial event information network, is announcing today's live and on-demand broadcasts of investor presentations from...
StreetFusion Announces Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Investor Presentations for Centura Software Corporation, POZEN, Inc., and Applied Imaging Corporation.
December 05, 2000 05:00 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, is announcing today's live and on-demand broadcasts of investor presentations from The Financial...
Ny langsiktig kontrakt til ProSafe i Mexico-gulfen
December 05, 2000 04:52 ET | Prosafe SE
Jasminia har vært engasjert på Cantarell siden 1998, og denne kontrakten sikrer riggen engasjement til medio november 2002. I tillegg har ProSafe allerede serviceriggene Safe Regency og Safe Lancia på...